About ARI

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The Animal Rehab Institute Mission: To provide the highest quality, evidence-based comprehensive animal rehabilitation education – uniting the efforts of equine health care practitioners and equestrian enthusiasts for the long term well-being of the horse.

Equine Rehabilitation Education

The Animal Rehab Institute offers certification programs in Equine Physical Rehabilitation. These courses are available to Veterinarians, Veterinary Technicians, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Physical Therapist Assistants, BS Equine Science graduates or actively enrolled students in one of these fields.

We also offer continuing education courses for both licensed and non-licensed students wanting further education in equine related topics.

The faculty of the Animal Rehab Institute is made up of internationally acclaimed instructors with a total of more than 50 years of practical experience in the field of equine sports medicine and rehabilitation. Small class size and our emphasis on hands-on teaching make this the premier training program available today in Animal Rehabilitation. Our outstanding curriculum provides an accessible education platform both online and live seminars in all areas of Equine Physical Rehabilitation.