This course includes dissection of both the equine thoracic & pelvic limbs.
This course includes 7 modules. Part 1 – 3 Dissection of the equine thoracic limb & Part 4 is dissection of the joints of the thoracic limb & Part 1 -2 pelvic limb and Part 3 Pelvic limb joints.
This dissection was performed at ARI in Florida, February 2020 and was recorded at that time. Total time is approximately 5 1/2 hours
Lorre Mueller, EDO is a lifelong horse owner and horse enthusiast. She has been riding
since the age of 5 and continues in her career of equine osteopathy, EDO® with
love and compassion for the horse. Lorre has been an equine bodyworker since
2008, having certifications in myofascial release, sports massage, Masterson
Method™ and equine osteopathy, EDO®. She discovered early on in her journey
in equine health and wellness that she was fascinated (and a little obsessed) with
equine anatomy. Lorre began reading and studying with veracity; material from
all view points and disciplines. She wanted to gain as much knowledge and
understanding of the equine and it’s functions as possible. Some of her studies
and reading included some of the top researchers, anatomists, and writers
available: Dr. Hilary Clayton, Klaus-Dieter Budras, Sara Wyche, Gillian Higgins,
Anthony Pusey, and Professor Jean-Marie Denoix. Soon it was realized to fully
understand equine anatomy, dissections were going to be very important to her
education. Lorre has attended, participated and assisted in many dissections
across the country. The majority of those dissections were during her three years
of schooling at the Vluggen Institute for Equine Osteopathy. She has also
attended dissections with Ivana Ruddock and done many on her own with fellow
osteopaths to continue to learn and educate herself. Lorre’s thoughts are that it
is absolutely crucial for equine bodyworkers to have a strong, and thorough
understanding of equine anatomy, physiology, neurology, and biomechanics to be
the best practitioners they can possibly be. Lorre is passionate about education
and sharing her knowledge and experience with other practitioners to achieve
that goal.
Parts 1 – 4 Thoracic Limb
Show these muscles (or at least what is left of them)
Rhomboideus, Trapezius, Serratus Ventralis Thoracic and Cervical, and Latissimus Dorsi
Medial side of the Forelimb
Show what is left of the brachial plexus
Muscles of the Scapula: Tensor Fascia Antibrachii, Subscapularis, Teres Major and Minor, Triceps, Coracobrachial, Biceps brachii, Pectorals and more of brachial plexus branches
Lateral View of Forelimb
Fascia and muscle of Cutaneus Trunci and Cutaneus Omobrachialis (if there is some of these left, there should be since the skin is still on)
Muscles of the Scapula, Lateral View:
Trapezius, Rhomboideus, Latissimus Dorsi, Subclavius, Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Aponeurosis of Deltoideus, Deltoideus, what is left of Brachiocepahlicus, Omotransversarius, possibly Omohyoideus, and Pectoralis, Triceps
Muscles of the Forearm, Dorsal and Lateral Views:
Brachialis, Extensor Carpi Radialis, Extensor Digitorum Communis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, Extensor Digitorum Lateralis, Abductor Digiti Longus, Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Muscles of the Forearm, Medial and Caudal Views:
Flexor Carpi Radialis, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, Lacertus Fibrosus, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Flexor Digitorum Profundus, all ligaments and fascial structures of the carpus
Tendons of the lower Forelimb, Dorsal and Lateral Views:
Extensor tendon of Carpi Radialis, Extensor tendons of Digitorum Communis and Lateralis, Interosseus joining tendon of Extensor Digitorum Communis
Tendons of the lower Forelimb, Palmar and Medial Views:
Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, Tendon of Flexor Digitorum Profundus, Tendon Interosseus and its connections to Tendon of Extensor Digitorum Communis, Check Ligaments, Annular Ligament and all fascial structures of the fetlock joint.
Parts 1 -3 Hindlimb
Dorsal, Lateral, and Caudal Muscle Groups of Hindlimb:
Longissimus (if any of it remains), Gluteus Maximus; Gluteus Superficialis; Tensor Fasciae Latae; Semiteninosus; Biceps Femoris; Semimembranosus; Remove Tensor Fasciae Latae to see: Lateral heads of Quadriceps – Rectus Femoris, Vastus Lateralis; and Iliacus; Gastrocnemius; Soleus (any remenants we can find of Gluteus Profundus, Gemellus, Quadratus Femoris, and maybe tendons of the obturator muscles)
Medial Muscles of the Hindlimb:
Gracilis, Adductor Femoris; Sartorius; Pectineus; Rest of Quadriceps: Vastus Medialis, Vastus Intermedius, remnants of the Psoas Major and Minor and Iliacus
Muscles Ventral of the Stifle:
Popliteus; Extensor Digitorum Longus; Extensor Digitorum Lateralis; Patellar Ligaments; Tibialis Cranialis; Peroneus Tertius; Flexor Digitorum Superficialis; 3 heads of Flexor Digitorum Profundus: Medialis, Lateralis, and Tibialis Caudalis; Interosseus; Check Ligaments; Retinaculum, Ligaments and fascial structures of the hock joint.
Talk and demonstrate how horse’s get a locking stifle or official name – upward fixation of the patella
Look at the joints of the hind limb:
Hock – talk about its action as a pump for blood in/out of the lower leg